This area is where you can read about ABAPSTAS' latest news about campaigns, conference news and related issues.





Peer Support Scheme

The scheme is intended to provide members with direct support from other ABAPSTAS members. John Marsh, who is the current scheme co-ordinator is looking for volunteers to become these 'supporters'. For more details please read the ABAPSTAS bulletin (issue 84). Download here - Bulletin December 1998 - (Alt and q). You can contact John by email. Click here - peer support scheme - (Alt and m).

Some dates for your diary...

By the Way...

Remember you can discuss these and any other subject important to you on-line by clicking here - chat room - (Alt and c) to access the ABAPSTAS chat room. Once at the next page, press your 'TAB' key five times then 'ENTER' to access the chat room.

You may be interested in a scheme to 'adopt an MP'. Sounds strange but the pressure group stand.org have created this site in order to make it easier to contact your local MP. All you have to do is, go to the site, type in your post code and 'adopt' your MP. You are then provided with his/her email address. Just like a 'Tamagotchi' you can feed or punish your MP and you even get your own registration certificate! It's a fun way to make a serious point. Click here - adopt an MP - (Alt and p) to go to the stand.org site.


To go back to the main page click here - main page - (Alt and r)


This site created by Kevin Leitch (Alt and k). ŠABAPSTAS. This site maintained by Nick Clarke (Alt and w). Last updated on 04/10/2001.